Hi there. Welcome to the signup page for my Advance Reader Team. If you know how the ART team works and want to get into the group, sign up here.
If you’re unsure what’s involved, the details are below.
Thanks for your interest!
The Details
One of the best ways I’ve found to build relationships with readers is through something I call my Advance Reader Team (ART). You can think of it as a VIP club or a “street team.” It’s a way for you to get free copies of my stories before they’re published, and for me to gather feedback on the books.
In the traditional publishing world, the Advance Reader Copy (ARC) process is a time-honored tradition. Publishers hand out hundreds of free books in exchange for reviews.
This webpage is your official invitation to my Advance Reader Team, my version of the ARC process.
The Process is Simple:
- Four to six weeks prior to my publication date, I send you a free electronic copy of my new book via email.
- You read the story, and if you’re so inclined, you send me an email with feedback. I’m looking for parts of the story that might feel rough or confusing, factual or story errors, or omissions. As an example, one civil engineer who is an ART reader pointed out that cement and concrete are not the same things. Others send me ideas for character development. Still others send me typos, although this is not necessary as I always have the manuscripts professionally proofread just before publishing.
- Most times, if I agree with your feedback, I incorporate the changes before I publish the book.
- When I publish, you provide an honest review on Amazon. It’s helpful if that review is on the date I publish, but I know life happens, so soon after publication is fine too.
- I coordinate all of this through email.
If You’re Interested …
… simply signup above. Then wait for future emails with the free book and instructions. Simple.
If you’re not interested, that’s ok too. I hope you continue to be a reader.