The problem with putting dates on website updates is that it becomes immediately clear when one is not keeping up with said updates. Ha ha. It’s almost a year later – gah! Here is the catch-up list – most of the relevant writing happenings over the past year:
- Published The Abyss on November 8th, 2020. Yay!
- Re-edited, proofed, and re-published The Russian Assassin, The Attack, and The Hunt to better reflect my updated writing style and yes, remove some of the offending curse words.
- Wrote most of the first draft of a novel with a spin-off character (yet to be announced).
- Wrote most of the first draft of Endgame, book 6, of The Russian Assassin series.
- Got burned out and took a few months off writing.
- Sold our house, packed, put our stuff in storage, moved out.
- Now, traveling to California, Park City, Michigan, and North Carolina on a walk-about while our new house is being built.
During that time, I also:
- Was tested for COVID six times
- Tested negative for COVID six times
- Received two jabs of the Pfizer vaccine
- Spent two weeks in Costa Rica
- Had my first colonoscopy (everything is fine)
- Test drove a Mustang GT and decided I didn’t want to buy one
- Stopped to pet every dog I ran across
So what’s next, you ask? And more specifically, when will Endgame be published?
- Realistically, Endgame will come out Q1 or Q2, 2022. While the first draft is mostly done, it needs a lot of work. It’s my primary project this fall.
- We move into our new house in mid-September, which will include a dedicated writing studio complete with a couch for naps
- My goal is to make a couple of YouTube videos showing the new writing studio – stay tuned for that.
Meanwhile, thanks for being a reader!
Peace, love, and books,